Monday, January 16, 2012

Setting Goals: Dream Bigger!

One of the people I truly admire are people like Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen to name a few... since we are on the early part of 2012 this is a great time to set your goals for 2012 if you haven't already.

If you need a little bit of push this article is perfect for you. It's Dreaming Bigger by Chalene Johnson, one of the people I also truly admire.

A fitness, business, and lifestyle coach, Chalene Johnson is a self-made millionaire and captivating motivational speaker. Having shared the stage with Brian Tracy and Brendon Bruchard, she is adept at a variety of topics, from family to business management.

With over 22 years of experience, Chalene was voted one of the World’s top three Instructors by IDEA Fitness 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.

Here's her article:

‘Tis the season for setting goals! Each time January 1st rolls around, it seems as if everyone vows to finally get their life in order…again. New Year’s resolutions like “get in shape,” “be more organized,” “save money” are all too common.

The first few weeks of the year, the gym is packed – not a parking space to be found! The house is all cleaned up with everything neatly in its place, and you haven’t gone shopping since the day after Christmas. Things seem to be on the right track!

However, the 3rd and 4th week of January, for most people, things start to slip a back to normal. The reason for this is often lack of motivation…but our lack of motivation often comes from unfulfilling goals.

So, ask yourself: are your dreams big enough? Do your goals reflect your true desires?

Yes, you can achieve mini-goals such as organizing your garage or finishing the laundry. But, how excited are you really going to be?

We get energized when we do something that we really want – something that we’re super-excited to achieve. So don’t limit yourself to a clean garage. Want more. Challenge yourself. Don’t be afraid to desire.

When we start to want and hope and dream we wake up our creativity and we’re inspired to do the work to achieve our goals.

Don’t put limits on your dreams by reaching too low. Set goals that are thrilling, challenging and awe inspiring. Then, take the steps to achieve them. When you move forward a step or two a day, you’ll be shocked at how much you can accomplish. Dream bigger!

Chalene Johnson's website:

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